
# 1. 前言(Preface)

博主作为一个前端开发工程师,深知成长的重要,现市场上大多数是 api 工程师;就是只会用 api 并不了解原理,长此以往就成为了可替代的人,如何成为一个高级开发工程师!成为一个高级开发工程师需要会那些知识! 跟着我的博客去学习,能让你了解 web 全栈工程师的知识体系,让自己的学习有方向。

As a front-end engineer, I understand, deep down, that growing my skills is a crucial factor to succeed in my career. The current market has no shortage of the type of engineers who only know how to consume APIs, but don't know enough about what's going on under the hood. These types of engineer will inevitably, become easily replacable overtime. Now you ask yourself, how do I become a senior engineer? What does it take to become one? Well, here in my blog, I'll walk you through the entire learning path of almost everything you need to become a senior fullstack engineer (web), so that you have a much easier time navigating the world of software engineering.


I'm also looking for collaborators to help translate this blog for the English version

# 2. 学习大纲(Learning Path)

├── javaScript进阶 (JavaScript advanced) # 大厂如何去做防抖和节流
├── 计算机网络 (Computer network)  # 学会基础知识,才能更好的理解下面的知识
├── vue                          # 源码讲解,涉及3.0
├── react                        # 源码讲解,涉及16.8hook
├── node.js                      # koa源码
├── 工程化 (engineering)          # 涉及cli
├── 小程序  (Applet)              # 进阶
├── 数据结构与算法 (Data structures and algorithms)
├── 项目实践   (Project practice)  # react同构


# 3. 给个 start 哦(For a star)

如果有收获就给个 star 哦 !!! 🙏 🙏 🙏 ,本项目开源免费阅读,不设置任何障碍阻止阅读!

Feel free to give it a star on Github if you find this valuable. This project is entirely open-sourced, which means you have full-freedom to read whatever you like with zero restrictions whatsoever!

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国内用户请使用 gitee 版访问阅读

# 4.联系方式(Contact) 📳


Why do I use "ant" as my internet name? Well, I just hope I could be like an ant, tiny in size but has massive strength that carries big responsibilities - and I hope you're the same! Also, please feel free to get in touch with me if you find any errors in any of my blog articles.


# 5.赞赏(Sponsorship)

# 赞赏名单(Appreciation list) 🎉

nickname time Payment method amount remark
*国 2020-01-02 Alipay ¥ 8.00 -
犇犇 2020-01-02 WeChat ¥ 5.88 -
*鸿 2020-01-05 Alipay ¥ 15.00 -
*生 2020-01-07 Alipay ¥ 5.00 -
*维 2020-01-10 Alipay ¥ 9.99 老铁加油
*润威 2020-01-11 Alipay ¥ 20.20 -
s*n 2020-05-14 WeChat ¥ 10.00 -
wu*9508 2021-02-20 WeChat ¥ 26.00 -
*奇 2021-03-01 Alipay ¥ 6.60 老铁老厉害了
Doctype* 2021-03-16 WeChat ¥ 10.00 感谢作者,想请教您
*瑶 2021-04-27 Alipay ¥ 6.66 -
*亚 2021-07-05 Alipay ¥ 6.66
田*4 2022-02-06 WeChat ¥ 109.99 -
*明 2022-03-20 WeChat ¥ 8.88 -
*水 2022-04-18 WeChat ¥ 6.60 -
*🐯 2022-06-09 WeChat ¥ 6.66 -
**S 2022-07-07 WeChat ¥ 9.99 -
*草 2022-07-07 WeChat ¥ 18.88 -
*诗_87 2022-07-17 WeChat ¥ 9.99 -
*eitures 2022-08-26 WeChat ¥ 20.00 -
*apoleon 2022-09-06 WeChat ¥ 66.66 -
z*f 2022-10-08 WeChat ¥ 50.00 -
*又 2022-10-12 WeChat ¥ 8.80 -
*_ 2022-10-26 WeChat ¥ 5.00 -
*, 2022-12-04 WeChat ¥ 5.00 -
*\笑脸 2023-02-21 WeChat ¥ 6.66 整理不错,继续加油老铁
*\jm 2023-03-02 WeChat ¥ 8.88 加油!
*\峰 2023-03-13 WeChat ¥ 8.88 做的很好,希望坚持下去
*\鑫 2023-04-15 Alipay ¥ 8 学习了
*\辉 2024-05-09 WeChat ¥ 30 -
上次更新: 8/7/2024, 2:24:53 AM

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